Category: Advocacy

Happy Birthday ADA!

Today is the 32nd birthday of the American’s with Disabilities Act, and we are starting to quantify the effects of COVID-19, and post-viral illness on the American working class.


#PandemicAbleism is ableism amplified. It’s going from a whisper to a scream. It’s staring you straight in the face as it minimizes your existence.

Insisting that vulnerable people can just “stay home” is #PandemicAbleism.

The Price of Reinfection

My son started sneezing, coughing, and had a runny nose, again…

I kept my kids home for the 2020-2021 school year with the uncertainty of COVID. My motto has always been better safe than sorry and we have family who are considered very high risk.

But despite our restricted contact with the outside world, our family got COVID in the Fall of 2020. And before I even knew that Long Covid was an alternative to recovery, I was experiencing bizarre symptoms that made me scared that something was very very wrong with my heart.

After many doctors, specialists, and testing, I was diagnosed as a Covid Long Hauler. 

TREAT Long Covid Act (HR 7482)

The TREAT Long Covid Act authorizes Centers of Excellence for post-Covid multidisciplinary care.

The Protectors: #WhyWeMask

We love a hero story. We watch the movies and read the novels that celebrate their bravery. We reenact their legend on the playground as children. We all want to believe we could be the heroes, that in a moment of crisis we would do the right thing. But the best hero stories are the […]

The Lie in Returning to Normal

Privilege as Policy Hurts Everyone Remember when we were doing “we’re in this together” sidewalk chalk and cheering for healthcare workers every evening? I think I had this hope that we really were “in this together.” I had this desperate optimism that this would be a turning point, that finally people would understand a little […]

CARE for Long COVID Act (S.3726)

This act will provide Comprehensive Access to Resources and Education (CARE) for Long COVID Act & Post Viral Illness.