Category: Stories

Sammy’s Story

The phone rings. It is 10am and the middle school is calling for us to come pick up our son Sammy. My husband and I exchange glances. “He is only making it for an hour.” After a year and a half, long COVID is still sapping the energy of our child and turning the school […]

POV: The Benevolent Violence of an Unmasked Hospital

The lack of masks in hospitals means seeking vital care comes with unnecessary risks. This is what the collective abandonment of disabled people looks like.

Kaitlyn’s Story

Kaitlyn has always been a dedicated student, making high honor roll & always giving 110%. She has been dancing since the age of 3, and began competitively dancing at the age of 9. Her favorite style of dance was tap.

Anthony’s Story

A few months in when we realized that he has not played with his toys in a long time we took him to his pediatrician. They ran some blood work, and some of values were high, and some low…

Jenna’s Story

We thought we made it through the worst of it, but about 3 weeks after we were sick, Jenna started to tell us that she didn’t feel well. She said it felt like her body was too tired to move.