Category: Chronic Illness

Navigating the Holidays with Long Covid

Guest post by Jen Roberts Holidays are often portrayed as this ideal, cheerful and cozy time spent with family. But real life doesn’t always end up that way. It tends to be a mixed bag with some highs and lows. When you are grappling with the losses associated with a complex, invisible illness, it is […]

POV: The Benevolent Violence of an Unmasked Hospital

The lack of masks in hospitals means seeking vital care comes with unnecessary risks. This is what the collective abandonment of disabled people looks like.

How to Boil a Frog

Each decline has caught me totally off-guard, and to be honest, I have no idea how I got here. A feature of my illness can be memory loss and “brain fog” but maybe I was just way too busy to notice what was happening? Or more likely, I didn’t see the magnitude in each milestone

When Illness Redefines Family

There’s the family you’re born with, and there’s the family you choose … is a comforting re-framing for people who have experienced loss, grief, or estrangement. And it’s true, we can choose our families. Friends and neighbors can become woven into our lives in beautiful ways. For chronically ill people, it’s less about choosing people […]